Presentation of awards

Year 11 2022

A Cap for sailing

Hugo Allison

A Service Award for orienteering/parkrun

Campbell Archer

A Cap for soccer

Henry Bain

A Cap for basketball

Campbell Baker

The Hutchins School Poetry Writing Prize (Senior Division)

Oliver Berry

A Service Award for Australian Rules Football, and a Cap for dance

Jonty Coad

A Cap for music bands

Jermaine Crehan

A Service Award for Australian Rules Football, and a Cap for cricket

Joshua Curtis

A Cap for rugby

Oliver Eddington

The Damien Arnold Memorial Shield for Rugby Best Clubman, A Service Award for rugby, and a Cap for athletics and rugby

Jakob Fiedler

A Service Award for Australian Rules Football

Harry Fisher

A Cap for hockey

Milo Gee

A Cap for Australian Rules Football

William Groom

A Cap for sport shooting

William Hansen

A Cap for basketball

Luke Harris

A Cap for music theatre

Sheng-Yuan Lynch

A Cap for drama, music theatre and music vocals, and an Honour Badge for drama, music theatre and music vocals

Fergus McLean

A Cap for athletics

Henry Madsen

The C W Butler Prize for First XI cricket batting average (49.6), the L W Richardson Memorial Trophy for cricket, and a Cap for cricket

Harrison Opray

A Cap for cricket

Cohen Ratcliffe

The C W Butler Prize for First XI cricket bowling average (10.8), and a Cap for cricket

James Scott

A Cap for athletics

Archie Simondson

A Cap for cricket

Louis Smith

A Cap for tennis

Andreas Tsiakis

A Cap for rugby

Marno van Coller

A Service Award for Australian Rules Football

Harry Wood

A Cap for mountain biking

Charlie Younger