The Hutchins Junior School was opened on in Macquarie Street with 65 enrolments, however, primary-aged students had been enrolled at Hutchins since its inception. The Junior School Headmaster in was W H Tennant with Sub-Primary teacher Miss E M Elliott. The Junior School included a large schoolroom and separate Kindergarten room. Students had a play area and garden, and were able to experience dramatic plays and Pedlars’ Parades to suit their age-level. Hutchins also had its own Cub pack by .

In , a proposal for a Sub-Primary block at Sandy Bay was presented and completed by . The separate Junior School opened in .

Over the years the size of the Junior School increased, allowing for activities such as choir, chess, robotics, sport and debating. Junior School was again expanded in , with the frontage being added in . The mosaic that you see on the right of the entrance to the Junior School was added under the guidance of Art teacher, Mrs Rebecca Terry during the redevelopment.

All classes from Grades 1–6 have had a period in Camp… These ventures have all been educational and have given us much insight into the strengths and determination of the children. I think many of our children are very surprised when they find out just what they are capable of doing.

Head of Junior School, J Anderson, Virtus, 1987
Junior School students and staff, 1892.

Junior School students and staff,

Junior class, c1897.

Junior class, c1897

Junior School hand bell, n.d.

Junior School hand bell, n.d.

Junior School classroom with W F Tennant and Miss E M Elliott, 1919.

Junior School classroom with W F Tennant and Miss E M Elliott,

Junior School students with Miss E M Elliott, 1919.

Junior School students with Miss E M Elliott,

Governor Sir Ronald Cross inspecting Cadets at the opening of Junior School, 1957.

Governor Sir Ronald Cross inspecting Cadets at the opening of Junior School,

Junior School students and staff, 1957.

Junior School students and staff,

Junior School students and staff, 1957.

Junior School students and staff,

Jungle gym, 1966.

Jungle gym,